Our funds

M Global Convertibles

ISIN: FR0013343142

Labellisations / SFDR

Rating (IC)

4 étoiles Morningstar


Convertible bonds



Investment horizon

Longer than 5 years




5 years performance​


Risk Indicator - SRI

M Global Convertibles , classified SFDR 8, is an equity convertible bonds fund predominantly invested in global equities.

M Global Convertibles investment process takes into account the ESG criteria.


The decision to invest takes into account all the characteristics, objectives and risks of the UCITS as described in its regulatory documentation : prospectus, KID, SFDR pre-contractual document if applicable, which should be referred to before making any final investment decision.

Data refers to elapsed years. Past performances do not represent a reliable indicator of future performances. The UCITS presents a risk of capital loss.

The MorningstarTM rating as at 31 December 2021, is presented without guarantee of accuracy, completeness or timeliness.

M Global Convertibles

M Global Convertibles’ management approach extended to the World


whose objective is to:

→ reduce interest rate, credit and equity risks.

→ « locker » regularly profits.

→ A global investment area.

→ The possibility of using derivatives on a complementary basis.


→ The integrated option of a Convertible Bond is unique.

No market option replicates it and does not include its specific clauses.

obligation convertible pureté

→ An investment zone in the Euro zone.


whose objective is to:

→ reduce interest rate, credit and equity risks.

→ « locker » regularly profits.

obligations convertibles convexité

→ A global investment area.

→ The possibility of using derivatives on a complementary basis.

The fund’s objective is to capture performance on the international bond and equity markets. In particular, its aim is to outperform the Refinitiv Global Focus Hedged Convertible Bond Index EUR (Bloomberg ticker UCBIFX14 Index), net coupons reinvested, over the recommended investment period, incorporating ESG criteria into the process of selecting and analysing portfolio securities. 

The aim of taking ESG criteria into account within the fund is to combine financial performance with the desire to influence issuers positively, as far as possible, in terms of ESG performance, by encouraging companies to make progress in integrating ESG criteria into their activities, thereby enhancing good practice.

The extra-financial approach implemented is part of a sustainability risk mitigation objective, although it cannot guarantee that sustainability risks are completely neutralised.

Voting & Commitment

Click on the links below to view the annual reports on the exercise of voting rights and the commitment of the Management Company :

ISIN: FR0013343142








Lower risk

Higher risk

The risk indicator assumes that you hold the product for 5 years.
The real risk may be very different if you opt to exit before the end of the recommended holding period, and you may get less in return. You risk selling your product at a price that will significantly affect the amount you receive in return. 

The fund is invested in convertibles bonds : the portfolio is exposed on one hand, to equity risk, and on the other hand, to bond risk (interest rate and credit risks) because it is composed of convertible bonds with double sensitivities.

Convertible bonds risk : convertible bonds valuation depends on several factors (interest rate level, underlying equity price, derivative price included in the convertible bond, etc.).

Risk of loss of capital: the fund does not offer any guarantee of performance nor capital.

Discretionary management risk : risk that the fund is not always invested in the best performing securities.

Sustainability risk : the UCITS is exposed to the risk that an event or situation in the environmental, social or governance field, may have a significant, actual or potential, negative impact on the value of the portfolio securities.

Other risks : foreign exchange market risk, small cap equity investments risk, emerging market investment risk, volatility risk, interest rate risk, credit risk, speculative securities risk, risk on subordinated securities, derivatives risk, counterparty risk, liquidity risk.

Inception date

4 octobrer 2018

Legal status

UCITS IV French-law compliant FCP

AMF classification


PEA eligible (France only)




ISIN Codes

FR0013343142 (M Global Convertibles IC)


Refer to the prospectus and each fund share’s KID in the “download documents” box above.

Investment management company

Montpensier Finance


Caceis Bank France


Daily (Caceis Fund Admin)


Refer to the prospectus and contact the banking institution that handled the order.

Investment horizon

Longer than 5 years

Approved for distribution in
