Our Funds

NAV - Performance and Documents

A threefold asset management expertise highlighted by a concentrated range

Equities, Eurozone, Large & Mid Caps

 At 01/31/2025
  ISIN Code VL (€) YTD (%) 5 years (%) Documents
Best Business Models SRI IClogo ISR + towards
FR0013073731 460.47 6.91 39.22
Best Business Models SRI IDlogo ISR + towards
FR0013076361 3,648.77 6.91 38.47
Best Business Models SRI IPClogo ISR + towards
FR0013079753 281.41 6.95 40.43
Best Business Models SRI IPDlogo ISR + towards
FR0013079738 218.66 6.95 40.50
Best Business Models SRI RClogo ISR + towards
FR0013079761 322.94 6.83 32.96
Best Business Models SRI RDlogo ISR + towards
FR0013079779 3,313.86 6.83 32.54
Best Business Models SRI AClogo ISR + towards
FR001400IEH9 162.70 6.87 -

Equities, Europe, Large & Mid Caps

 At 01/31/2025
  ISIN Code VL (€) YTD (%) 5 years (%) Documents
Great European Models SRI IC
FR0013083656 648.45 6.59 20.43
Great European Models SRI ID
FR0013084373 4,064.44 6.59 20.33
Great European Models SRI IPC
FR0013183118 392.63 6.63 23.22
Great European Models SRI IPD
FR0013183126 372.79 6.63 23.20
Great European Models SRI RC
FR0013084381 249.16 6.52 16.22
Great European Models SRI RD
FR0013084399 222.45 6.52 16.16
Improving European Models IPC
FR0014004PD8 306.76 5.36 -
Improving European Models RPC
FR0014008KS8 304.77 5.27 -

Equities, Eurozone, Small & Mid Caps

 At 01/31/2025
  ISIN Code VL (€) YTD (%) 5 years (%) Documents
Quadrator SRI IC
FR0010482984 463.23 5.12 20.18
Quadrator SRI ID
FR0012620318 2,541.44 5.12 20.19
Quadrator SRI AC
FR0014005WJ8 133.68 5.09 -
Quadrator SRI RC
FR0012326791 241.07 5.06 16.41
Quadrator SRI RD
FR0012620326 175.60 5.06 16.19
Advanced Small Caps Euro IC
FR0013293099 315.43 2.79 20.14
Advanced Small Caps Euro ID
FR0013293107 301.57 2.79 20.22
Advanced Small Caps Euro RC
FR0013293115 181.57 2.70 15.41
Advanced Small Caps Euro RD
FR0013293123 172.56 2.70 14.67

Thematic Equities, International, All Caps

 At 01/31/2025
  ISIN Code VL (€) YTD (%) 5 years (%) Documents
M Climate Solutions CLogos performances
FR0013446812 238.67 0.41 -11.50
M Climate Solutions DLogos performances
FR0014002SD6 141.66 0.41 -
M Climate Solutions IPCLogos performances
FR00140072X2 141.04 0.43 -
M Climate Solutions RLogos performances
FR0013476678 124.62 0.33 -15.39
M Sport Solutions SRI IC
FR0013440062 341.04 1.68 -
M Sport Solutions SRI ID
FR001400MAJ5 300.13 1.68 -
M Sport Solutions SRI RC
FR0013440070 184.68 1.63 -
Aesculape SRI IC
FR00140032U2 266.78 6.87 -
Aesculape SRI ID
FR00140089L1 294.69 6.87 -
Aesculape SRI IPC
FR00140072U8 248.38 6.89 -
Aesculape SRI RC
FR001400Q1D7 152.96 6.79 -
M Cloud Leaders SRI IC
FR001400A0A3 388.29 6.05 -
M Cloud Leaders SRI RC
FR001400A0B1 234.17 5.98 -

Equities, Europe, All Caps

Convertible Bonds, Eurozone

Convertible Bonds, International

Bonds, International

Multi-Asset, International

 At 01/31/2025
  ISIN Code VL (€) YTD (%) 5 years (%) Documents
Mondial Valor AC
FR0011138197 425.75 2.55 17.03
Equilibre Patrimoine C
FR0010926444 134.99 1.36 9.48
 At 01/31/2025
  ISIN Code VL (€) YTD (%) 5 years (%) Documents
MFD Patrimoine IC
FR0011859206 1,833.15 2.89 12.58

Performance history is available in the Monthly Factsheets, accessible in the “Documents” section.

Data refer to elapsed years. Past performances do not represent a reliable indicator of future performances. The UCITS presents a risk of capital loss.

The decision to invest takes into account all the characteristics, objectives and risks of the UCITS as detailed in the prospectus, the KID and the SFDR pre-contractual document if applicable, which should be referred to before making any final investment decision.