Our funds
ISIN: FR0000286072
Investment horizon
Over 5 years
5 years performance
Risk Indicator - SRI
The objective of the BBM V-Flex fund is to combine 2 performance drivers in a single portfolio:
An Alpha generated by stock-picking and a flexible equity exposure management 0%-100% as a function of equity market phases.
Data refers to elapsed years. Past performances do not represent a reliable indicator of future performances. The UCITS presents a risk of capital loss.
The decision to invest takes into account all the characteristics, objectives and risks of the UCITS as described in its regulatory documentation : prospectus, KID, SFDR pre-contractual document if applicable, which should be referred to before making any final investment decision.
BBM V-Flex
BBM-V Flex relies on 2 performance drivers
► Eurozone equity management / BM investment process
► Flexible equity exposure management / MMS method (Montpensier Market Scan)
Eurozone Equity driver
Eurozone Equity portfolio
Minimum weigthing : 75%
Flexibility driver 0% – 100%
Dynamic Equity exposure management
Business Models Method / Montpensier Market Scan – MMS
EuroZone Equity Actions
→Euro Zone Direct Equity Portfolio
→ Min. weight = 75%
Engine Flexibility
0% - 100 %
→ Dynamic equity exposure management :
- Index options
- Index futures
→ economic momentum
→ monetary dynamics
→ valuation
→ market dynamics
The objective of the Fund is to seek to achieve a return over the recommended investment period of 5 years that exceeds the 50% EuroStoxx 50 (net dividends reinvested) + 50% capitalised €str composite indicator, less management fees and performance fees, through a “bottum-up” type of management favouring the search for intrinsic quality of securities; combined with a flexible equity exposure allocation strategy which may vary from 0 to 100% of the Fund’s net assets, in particular through the use of futures contracts for hedging purposes.
ISIN: FR0000286072
5 years performance
Lower risk
The risk indicator assumes that you hold the product for 5 years.
The real risk may be very different if you opt to exit before the end of the recommended holding period, and you may get less in return. You risk selling your product at a price that will significantly affect the amount you receive in return.
→ Risk of loss of capital: the sicav does not include any guarantee of performance or capital, it may have a negative performance,
The capital invested may not be returned.
→ Discretionary management risk: this risk mainly consists of two components linked to the manager’s expectations and choices, and those linked to the evolution of financial markets and assets. There is a risk that the Fund will not be invested in the best performing markets or assets.
→ Risk linked to flexible exposure and the use of derivatives: risk linked to the degree of exposure to equities of the fund, the net asset value of the fund may fall more than the markets in which the portfolio is invested.
→ Equity risk: the equity markets may fluctuate significantly or even decline significantly.
→ Sustainability risk: the Fund is exposed to the risk that an environmental, social or governance event or situation, if it occurs, may have a significant actual or potential negative impact on the value of the securities in the portfolio.
→ Other risks: risk linked to investments in small caps, interest rate risk, credit risk, counterparty risk, foreign exchange risk, liquidity risk.
Risks are detailed in the prospectus.
Inception date
03 June 1998
Legal status
UCITS V French-law compliant SICAV
AMF classification
PEA eligible (France only)
ISIN Codes
FR0000286072 (BBM V-Flex AC), FR0011020130 (BBM V-Flex AD), FR0011522341 (BBM V-Flex APC), FR0011522333 (BBM V-Flex APD), FR0011522358 (BBM V-Flex RPC), FR0011522366 (BBM V-Flex RPD)
Refer to the prospectus and each fund share’s KID in the “download documents” box above.
Investment management company
Montpensier Finance
Caceis Bank France
Daily (Caceis Fund Administration)
Refer to the prospectus and contact the banking institution that handled the order.
Investment horizon
Longer than 5 years
Approved for distribution in
France, Luxembourg (up to July 31 2023)
Caceis Bank
Transfer agent
Caceis Bank, Luxembourg branch